1/9 menu plan

currently eating

here is our meal rotation for all our breakfasts, snacks, lunches, and dinners:

see this blogpost for more on why we love our meal rotation, how we created it, and tips (plus a freebie!) for making a meal rotation work for you. see how I menu plan here and where I find new recipes here.

and remember: my 2022 intentions were to make one cookbook recipe a week and one fish recipe a week, so we’ll see how that goes.

currently cooking


dinner: grill and chill  

monday: sandwich night (+ soup/salad, if we're feeling it)

why we love a weekly sandwich night

tuesday: taco-ish tuesday

  • leftovers from Sunday (maybe repurposed into quesadillas? or nachos?)

    • or frozen taquitos

  • mashed avocado + a big bowl of fruit and/or bagged salad

  • and maybe queso (we always get the Queso Mama queso at Costco, but I love this or this recipe)

wednesday: pizza, pasta, or rice

thursday: chicken, fish, or sausage

friday: takeout or leftovers

date night!

  • one of our monthly routines is the reminder to plan a date - and four times a year I coordinate with my mom a few times in the following few months she and my dad can watch KK. and i put the agreed-upon times on our calendar to prioritize those dates. brett and I learned if we don’t plan in advance, we’re not as likely to go on dates, so coordinating with my parents at the start of each season reallyyyy works for us.

  • (my family and I are not originally from this area of Texas, but I’m so glad we all ended up near eachother. i’m endlessly grateful for their support.)

  • at the start of each season, I sketch out potentialllllll date nights, adventures with KK, and family/friend gatherings. it’s so much fun, and it helps us prioritize our loved ones. if you’d like more examples, here’s a full list of what I do in December. (january list coming soon!)

saturday: snack dinner saturday or dinner with loved ones

  • KK and I’ll have dinner at my parents’ house to give Brett some time alone to recharge :)

  • or we’ll have this exact dinner, but with leftover salad or a different fruit- we’ll see how we feel!

currently using

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currently meal prepping

i usually do a little meal prep on Sundays as a part of our Grill and Chill, but I may instead do a bit here and there throughout the week. (you’ll notice I allow space in my daily rhythm for potential meal prep.) at a minimum, I try to always do this - makes the whole week SO much smoother!

below is the list of what I hope to meal prep this week - it may not all happen, and that's okay! even 5 minutes of prep is super beneficial.

prep some dinner components:

prep some sort of dessert for the week:

  • one of my favorite podcasters said this is an incredibly easy way to plan joy into your week and I SO agree. see here why it’s our new favorite thing for our marriage.

  • make vanilla pudding or rice pudding from this cookbook, thanks to my 2022 goal of cooking something from my cookbook collection once a week.

prep some things to make breakfasts/snacks/lunches smoother - at a bare minimum, I try to always prep some sort of eggs, some sort of oats, and some sort of muffins/waffles/pancakes for our breakfast rotation, and I try to change up the recipes each week so that cooking stays fun for me and so KK is exposed to variety:

Need more ideas for make-ahead breakfasts and lunches to meal prep? Here’s my list of favorites!

currently reading

the glass ocean

and my favorite fertility health book. I first read this book yearsssss ago and I swear by it - it influenced and shaped a lot of my routines. reading this book again is bringing me a lot of calm and joy in this season.

(i’m not pregnant. i’m just reading to get a refresher on things I can do to take care of myself. after a season of grieving and healing, we’re in a season of nourishing and appreciating.)

curious how I read so often? read that answer - and other FAQs - here!

currently streamlining

currently loving

currently working on

currently sharing

always sharing our favorite routines, our favorite systems, and our favorite dinners on Instagram - come say hi! your kind words make my day. truly.

and know that when you share my page on Instagram with your followers, I do a happy dance. your support means everything, and your support allows me to spend time creating free content, like this menu plan. xo.