I used to be a teacher - I have such an incredible amount of respect for all the hard work that goes into a classroom. Once a month, I like to send in some sort of teacher treat as a small token of appreciation.
I sat down and assigned a very specific treat to each month of the year - most of which were fairly inexpensive. This took the guesswork out of it for me - so that my energy each month could instead be spent on implementing, rather than deciding. Because I learned in the past that vaguely saying, “I’ll send some sort of treat in soon” meant I never would do it. But deciding ahead of time that in October I will send in a fun bag of popcorn? That I can do.
It’s also important to me to feel like I have enough margin in my days to have the capacity to invest in our community. To prioritize relationships, to nurture connections, to love on our people. Taking the time to send our wonderful teachers a monthly treat makes me feel like I’m doing just that.
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