did you hear? we got an airstream. (see the details here.)
and given its tiny square footage, we have to be incredibly intentional about what we bring along.
including toys for our two kids.
here’s what we needed: things to play when the kids first wake up, things to play when it’s raining outside, things to play when it’s sunny outside, things to play in the water, things to play while exploring, things to play at the campground amenities, things to play in sand/dirt/rocks, etc etc etc.
here’s what made the cut.
outdoor toys:
these are transported in a big $4 laundry basket, and the basket sits outside when we’re at a campground. these are beloved toys of ours that are durable (and easily hosed down), that can be used for exploring elements of a campground, and that inspire all sorts of play. and then when we get home, we store the big $4 laundry basket of toys in our garage, available for Outdoor Play.
the bottom of this shovel has small holes, so if you fill the shovel up with water, water will “rain” out the bottom - a wonderful bath or water toy, as well as a sand or dirt toy! under $5 and one of our most popular toys ever.
truck scooper/digger for playing with sand/dirt/rocks/water
this awesome magnifying glass contraption for looking at bugs and easily releasing them
larger outdoor toys:
when joey’s older we’ll bring something for him, too
indoor activities:
see this post for:
the books we bring Airstreaming,
the coloring supplies we bring Airstreaming,
and the three indoor toys we bring Airstreaming.
Related posts:
The Books, Coloring Supplies, and Indoor Toys We Bring Airstreaming
(like chairs we sit in while the kids play at a campground!)
because kids get hurt while playing and exploring, let’s be real.
7 Things I Keep on Hand for Kid Birthday Gifts
a few of which are on this list
KK’s Favorite Things: Gift Ideas under $20
many of which are on this list!
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