I get it. Emergency Preparedness is overwhelming.
I grew up in Houston - I’ve lived through many hurricanes. (In fact, my parents only live near me now because a hurricane destroyed my childhood home.) So while Emergency Preparedness isn’t exactly pleasant, I’m here to gently tell you it’s so necessary.
It’s not a matter of if a rainy day will come - it’s a matter of when.
And I’m of the believer that something is better than nothing. There’s always more you can do to be more prepared for emergencies, so starting somewhere is all you need to do. Each year I think of other things I should do, and I slowly add a few things to ours as time and finances allow.
So I get it - finding a place to start Emergency Preparedness is hard.
Here’s 10 easy things you can do right now for emergency preparedness - 10 tiny things that pack a big punch, but that also cause some serious momentum. Future You will be so grateful.
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