9/26 menu plan

currently eating

here is our meal rotation for all our breakfasts, snacks, lunches, and dinners:

see this blogpost for more on why we love our meal rotation, how we created it, and tips (plus a freebie!) for making a meal rotation work for you. see how I menu plan here and where I find new recipes here.

currently cooking


breakfast: lemon quick bread or dutch baby pancake

dinner: grill and chill  

monday: sandwich night (+ soup/salad, if we're feeling it)

why we love a weekly sandwich night

tuesday: taco-ish tuesday

  • tamales (or taquitos?)

  • mashed avo + queso + chips

wednesday: pizza, pasta, or rice

thursday: chicken, fish, or sausage

friday: takeout or leftovers

saturday: snack dinner saturday

  • frozen chicken tenders + honey mustard

  • french fries + leftover ranch dressing

  • leftover salad + leftover fruit

currently using

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currently meal prepping

i usually do a little meal prep on Sundays, but I may do a bit here and there throughout the week. at a minimum, I try to always do this - makes the whole week SO much smoother!

below is the list of what I hope to meal prep this week - it may not all happen, and that's okay! even 5 minutes of prep is super beneficial.

  • prep some dinner components:

  • prep some sort of dessert for the week

  • prep some things to make breakfasts/snacks/lunches smoother

    • pull pancakes out of the freezer

    • pull my chicken noodle soup out of the freezer for my lunches this week

      • here’s my full list of favorite breakfasts and lunches!

      • here’s how I freeze/thaw soup

    • make egg muffins with bacon and cheese

    • make a batch of oatmeal like this

      • excerpt from my “my breakfast and lunch favorites” blogpost:

      • up until, like, a year ago, i swore I disliked oatmeal. but it turns out I was just eating the wrong kind. my mom one day made oatmeal like this with good oats, and served it to me plain with a generous slab of butter stirred in. it was this savory risotto-like situation. it was heavenly. and from then on, I was a converted oatmeal lover.

      • so now I make a batch - at least once or twice a month - of the above recipe, and I portion them out into smaller mason jars like this. that way, when it’s breakfast/lunch time, I can grab one of the containers, heat it up, stir a slab of butter into the hot oatmeal, and enjoy. i thank Past Haley profusely whenever I find these gemstones in my fridge.

currently reading

nothing this week - it was a wedding week around here!

currently wearing

when I have flowers in our house for a wedding, the thermostat is turned wayyyyy down. which means alllll the cozy clothes and slippers!

currently streamlining

currently loving

  • our pillows, always and forever. one of our favorite investments we ever made. last week we gave them a good wash - per our September cleaning schedule - and MAN ALIVE it has been the ultimate guilty pleasure.

currently working on

  • brett’s birthday - weeee! we have a set list of traditions we like to do for my birthday, and we’re having the best time brainstorming and dreaming what he’d like to do for his.

  • planning what I’d like to put in our Christmas Eve Box this year - aka our gift tradition for Brett and me. the box has three categories: something(s) to increase the comfy + cozy factor of our home, something(s) to strengthen our marriage + cultivate intimacy, and something(s) to do together in the coming year. read more about this beloved tradition - and what we’ve put in the “box” in years past! - here.

currently sharing

always sharing our favorite routines, our favorite systems, and our favorite dinners on Instagram - come say hi! your kind words make my day. truly.