kk's favorite things: 20 months

i noticed a huge difference in KK between 18 and 24 months, so instead of doing one big post, I’m breaking it up by month. here are her ten favorite things at 20 months!

(see the full list of favorite things from birth until now here!)

  1. scooping and pouring rice

    • holy cow, give this girl a big tub of rice with an assortment of cups, spoons, and bowls, and she’s happy. (I’ll link KK’s favorite cups and spoons in a second, but don’t forget how much she also loves these stainless steel condiment cups.)

    • see my “sensory bins” highlight on my Instagram to see this IRL

    • while we love doing this in our sensory tables (linked post explains how we trained KK to not throw rice), we ended up creating a separate Tub of Rice that we store under the bed. because she loves scooping and pouring rice that much.

  2. our pikler triangle + slide/rockwall - her “slide! slide! slide!”

    • this has probably been a favorite since she was 16 months, but this month she learned how to climb over it to slide down, and it’s been something she does several times a day ever since

    • see her other favorite bigger toys here

  3. her basket from Mr. Valentine

    • KK was 20 months old when she got her Valentine’s Day Basket, and everything in it was (and continues to be) a huge hit! she particularly loved this set of measuring cups and spoons for scooping rice.

  4. her kitchen stool

    • the MVP of it all. I ordered this one in particular because I wanted a twin-size version of the stool so that friends or future siblings or future cousins could climb into it with KK, I love that I could pick my color, and I love that this version in particular fit under our counter.

    • one of my evening routines is to wipe down the stool and it’s held up so well. KK loves standing in it to watch me cook in the evenings and she often eats meals standing in her stool, especially when we’re having a casual meal at our kitchen island. so all that to say this thing takes a beating and it’s holding strong.

    • see our full list of favorite toddler things in our home here.

  5. her favorite block set

    • this continues to be an all-time favorite

    • we love storing them in our sensory tables for an easy place to stack and build

    • see my “sensory bins” highlight on my Instagram to see this IRL

  6. alllllll the “ball balls,” but her $1.98 play ball from Walmart is hands-down her favorite.

  7. this red set of lidded, plastic bowls got a wholeee lot of play this month. she loves nesting them, stacking them, drumming them, stirring them, taking the lids on and off, etc.

  8. this massive shape popper and this massive rainbow popper, forever and ever

  9. this tea set, I kid you not.

  10. this piano with popping balls

Loved this post?

  • See the full list of favorite things from birth until now here!

  • Or see a tour of all the play spaces in our home here!

  • Or see my “toy rotation” or “play area” highlights on my Instagram!

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