2/6 menu plan

currently eating

here is our meal rotation for all our breakfasts, snacks, lunches, and dinners:

see this blogpost for more on why we love our meal rotation, how we created it, and tips (plus a freebie!) for making a meal rotation work for you. see how I menu plan here and where I find new recipes here.

currently cooking


dinner: grill and chill  

monday: sandwich night (+ soup/salad, if we're feeling it)

why we love a weekly sandwich night

  • build your own croissant breakfast sandwiches!!!

    • with the costco croissants I grabbed on our monthly trip and threw into our freezer with the hopes of having this dinner soon

    • I love grabbing the croissants from Costco (I LOVE those), and setting out these soft scrambled eggs, oven roasted bacon, and American cheese, and everyone can build their own sandwich. because then these become exactly like the breakfast sandwiches we loved that were offered at the nearby dorm in college. NOSTALGIC BLISS.

    • but obviously you could do classier ingredients or a wider variety of ingredients - the sky is the limit here! google for more ideas - there are lots of posts out there for croissant breakfast sandwich topping ideas!

    • I do like to make leftover sandwiches for our freezer, similar to this recipe. freezer breakfast sandwiches were some of my FAVORITE things I prepped while pregnant - Postpartum Haley loved these sandwiches. see this blogpost for a round up of allllll my postpartum favorites.

  • bigggg bowl of fruit or some sort of fruit salad

tuesday: taco-ish tuesday

wednesday: pizza, pasta, or rice

thursday: fish or some sort of meat

friday: takeout or leftovers

saturday: snack dinner saturday or dinner with loved ones

  • a big bowl of fruit

  • and maybe queso (we always get the Queso Mama queso at Costco, but I love this or this recipe)

currently using

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currently meal prepping

i usually do a little meal prep on Sundays as a part of our Grill and Chill, but I may instead do a bit here and there throughout the week. (you’ll notice I allow space in my daily rhythm for potential meal prep.)

below is the list of what I hope to meal prep this week - it may not all happen, and that's okay! even 5 minutes of prep is super beneficial.

prep some dinner components:

  • none this week

prep some sort of dessert for the week:

prep some things to make breakfasts/snacks/lunches smoother:

Need more ideas for make-ahead breakfasts and lunches to meal prep? Here’s my list of favorites!

currently reading

very little reading happened this week. and that’s okay.

whenever a routine doesn’t happen, i give myself so much grace. because oftentimes when I skip a routine, I am reminded how much I miss and benefit from said routine. and I return to it with newfound enthusiasm.

can’t wait to read again tonight.

see my full list of my favorite routines and systems - aka the things that help me feel my best.

currently working on

  • packing lunches at night for when KK and I would benefit from a packed lunch the next day - I’m SO excited about this!!! I loveeeee looking into lunchbox ideas, and I love this new routine to take care of Future Haley. here’s a picture of our first packed lunch this week - reminded me of what Teacher Haley used to do!

currently sharing

always sharing our favorite routines, our favorite systems, and our favorite dinners on Instagram - come say hi! your kind words make my day. truly.

and know that when you share my page on Instagram with your followers, I do a happy dance. your support means everything, and your support allows me to spend time creating free content, like this menu plan. xo.