currently eating
here is our meal rotation for all our breakfasts, snacks, lunches, and dinners:
see this blogpost for more on why we love our meal rotation, how we created it, and tips (plus a freebie!) for making a meal rotation work for you. see how I menu plan here and where I find new recipes here.
and remember: my 2022 intentions were to make one cookbook recipe a week and one fish recipe a week, so we’ll see how that goes.
currently cooking
dinner: grill and chill
brett grills wings + extra wings for his lunches this week
salad + ranch dressing
could also dip wings/potatoes in the dressing YUMMMMM
big bowl of fruit
monday: sandwich night (+ soup/salad, if we're feeling it)
why we love a weekly sandwich night
leftover salad + ranch dressing
big bowl of fruit
tuesday: taco-ish tuesday
mashed avo + chips
big bowl of fruit
wednesday: pizza, pasta, or rice
easy garlic bread with those leftover hoagie rolls in my freezer
frozen green beans (let’s try cooking them this way) or blistered garlic green beans
big bowl of fruit
thursday: chicken, fish, or sausage
rice + naan
big bowl of fruit
friday: takeout or leftovers
saturday: snack dinner saturday or dinner with loved ones
kk and i’ll have dinner at my parents’ - and brett can choose if he wants to come or if he wants some alone time at home :)
currently using
we rejoined my favorite gym for swimming last week, and KK has been LOVING the indoor beach pool. i’ve been loving the long naps afterward. :)
See my Amazon storefront for more things we use and love!
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currently meal prepping
i usually do a little meal prep on Sundays as a part of our Grill and Chill, but I may instead do a bit here and there throughout the week. (you’ll notice I allow space in my daily rhythm for potential meal prep.) at a minimum, I try to always do this - makes the whole week SO much smoother!
below is the list of what I hope to meal prep this week - it may not all happen, and that's okay! even 5 minutes of prep is super beneficial.
prep some dinner components:
make ranch dressing
prep some sort of dessert for the week:
one of my favorite podcasters said this is an incredibly easy way to plan joy into your week and I SO agree. see here why it’s our new favorite thing for our marriage.
prep some things to make breakfasts/snacks/lunches smoother - because while I love to cook dinner, I prefer my breakfasts and lunches to be made ahead of time. at a bare minimum, I try to always prep some sort of eggs, some sort of oats, and some sort of muffins/waffles/pancakes for our breakfast rotation, and I try to change up the recipes each week so that cooking stays fun for me and so KK is exposed to variety:
pull cinnamon muffins from the freezer
make a batch of overnight oats with yogurt and blueberries and/or pull applesauce cookies with oats and cinnamon from the freezer
make a batch of instant pot hardboiled eggs
make a batch of freezer pb&js
make a batch of peanut butter oatmeal balls or peanut butter cookie energy balls, if time/energy
Need more ideas for make-ahead breakfasts and lunches to meal prep? Here’s my list of favorites!
currently reading
curious how I read so often? read that answer - and other FAQs - here!
currently streamlining
our daily rhythm - we recently changed up where we go in the mornings and it’s been everything we needed. thankful I was feeling so burnt out in the past few weeks, because it pushed me to pause and pinpoint what I need in this season. and what I need in this season is more swimming and more reading, so we tweaked our daily rhythm to prioritize these things.
currently loving
our local library
my big list of favorite routines and systems - aka the big list of things that help me feel my best and they were SO helpful for me to find some rest this week
aka what we do every Sunday to rest (and prepare!) for the week
build-your-own meals - this post explains why
post also gives one of our favorite, favorite Monday dinners
our little ritual of freezing half of things to do Future Haley a favor
(post also mentions one of my favorite things to meal prep + freeze!)
one of my favorite things to meal prep for KK that takes thirty seconds (don’t laugh)
currently working on
the routine that unexpectedly became our marriage’s favorite thing
our January routines - like checking our emergency preparedness stash
Mr. Valentine baskets - I’m so excited for one of the toys KK is getting!
currently sharing
always sharing our favorite routines, our favorite systems, and our favorite dinners on Instagram - come say hi! your kind words make my day. truly.
and know that when you share my page on Instagram with your followers, I do a happy dance. your support means everything, and your support allows me to spend time creating free content, like this menu plan. xo.