10/17 menu plan

currently eating

here is our meal rotation for all our breakfasts, snacks, lunches, and dinners:

see this blogpost for more on why we love our meal rotation, how we created it, and tips (plus a freebie!) for making a meal rotation work for you. see how I menu plan here and where I find new recipes here.

currently cooking


breakfast: maple pecan baked oatmeal

dinner: grill and chill  

  • no grill and chill - brett’s taking KK to visit his parents and giving me the day offffff!

  • my favorite tomato soup (use leftovers for my lunch this week)

monday: sandwich night (+ soup/salad, if we're feeling it)

why we love a weekly sandwich night

tuesday: taco-ish tuesday

wednesday: pizza, pasta, or rice

thursday: chicken, fish, or sausage

friday: takeout or leftovers

saturday: snack dinner saturday

currently using

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currently meal prepping

i usually do a little meal prep on Sundays, but I may do a bit here and there throughout the week. at a minimum, I try to always do this - makes the whole week SO much smoother!

below is the list of what I hope to meal prep this week - it may not all happen, and that's okay! even 5 minutes of prep is super beneficial.

prep some dinner components:

prep some sort of dessert for the week

prep some things to make breakfasts/snacks/lunches smoother

currently reading

the latest issue of allrecipes - my favorite magazine for dinner ideas!

one of my birthday traditions is to subscribe to a magazine or two for the coming year - the gift that keeps on giving. see my full list of birthday traditions here.

currently wearing

my beloved shorts. still.

currently streamlining

  • holidays! I’ve learned that our holidays go smoothest when I:

    • set aside money all year long for the holidays

    • take Brett on a date in September/October and talk about what we’d love our holidays to look like this year: a roughhhh draft of our plans and priorities for the upcoming months. like, last year we decided we wanted to block off Christmas Eve evening and Christmas morning as time spent under our roof, just the three of us. this year we decided we wanted to do that again, and what about hosting a family Christmas brunch at the beginning of the December to kick-off the season? and do we want to go to that light show exhibit, say, that second weekend? taking time to dream about what we’d like the next few months to look like is so much fun (and makes saying no to the things not meant for us so much easier.) I love our holiday-planning date.

    • sketch out in October what we need, would really like to have, or could use often in the coming year, and I make lists of potential Christmas gifts.

    • allocate which gift ideas go where. I brainstorm what should be apart of brett’s and my joint gift tradition, I brainstorm what Santa should bring us, I brainstorm what will go on our wishlists for Brett’s family, I brainstorm what we should get KK, I brainstorm what my parents should get us.

    • add to and edit the lists all month long as new epiphanies occur to me. like when I’m folding laundry and notice I would really benefit from a new bra. (linked my absolute favorites.) or when I’m scrolling instagram and see dear friends enjoying an exhibit one weekend, and it occurs to me a membership would be a nice thing to get our family for Sunday Grill and Chill.

    • try to avoid the gift guides and the blogposts and the instagram stories as much as possible until after the holidays pass. because I know myself and they’ll just tempt me to buy, so I try to remove that temptation altogether. because having a plan helps immensely. but taking a little social media break helps even more.

currently loving

currently working on

  • prep work for two upcoming weddings

  • drinking more water. my skin is parched. (here’s the only water routine that’s worked for me.)

  • christmas shopping. yes, it’s october. yes, i’m the weirdo that has to plan wayyyy in advance what we’re doing gift-wise for christmas. OTHERWISE I FALL PREY TO THE SIREN SONG THAT IS SEASONAL GIFT GUIDES. y’all, i’m serious. unless I have a strict game plan in place wayyy in advance, I will be like, “oh, you’re right, cutesy blogger! i DO need that pretty trinket!” repeat a thousand times over for each of those thousand million gift guides. baby haley made so many mistakes. woo buddy. see the “currently streamlining” section above for holiday strategies that really work well for me.

currently sharing

always sharing our favorite routines, our favorite systems, and our favorite dinners on Instagram - come say hi! your kind words make my day. truly.