i used to be a teacher with no kids, and now I’m a stay-at-home mom with a small business.
while a lot has changed in the last ten years, two things have stayed the same: I detest making breakfast and lunch, and I detest eating the same thing every day.
while I love making dinner and spending twenty minutes to an hour in the kitchen in the evenings, I prefer my breakfast and lunches be a quick, grab-and-go situation. (and I especially don’t like to waste precious naptime making food for myself.)
so through all these years, both before kids and when I worked outside the home - and also now - it works really well for me to make my breakfasts and lunches ahead of time. but I personally need a little variety - I can’t just make one single thing for the whole week and eat it six straight days in a row.
here’s a few things that have become tried and true favorites for me.
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