our outdoor adventure bag + our packed pool bag

this is the first summer we’ll be having lots of fun and local adventures, and I’m so excited.

no, like, so so excited.

in 2020, KK was a newborn and there was a pandemic, so there were no summer adventures. in 2021, I had that rare pregnancy loss with months of tests, bloodwork, and grief, so there were no summer adventures. and in 2022, I was so sick with Joey’s pregnancy and struggling so hard, so there were no summer adventures. all that to say, this we’re so so excited for lots of local adventures and well-deserved summer fun.

  • related: I used my Local Places List to plan out fun, local, toddler-friendly adventures for this summer. I can’t recommend enough keeping a list like this!

and to help streamline a few things with a toddler and baby, I keep two bags, ready to go.

the bags

I have two Lands End canvas bags, in size XL with long handles and a zippered top. the best. I use one for our Outdoor Adventure Bag, and one for our Packed Pool Bag.

(I also have - and love!- my LLBean canvas bag, and we use that as our library bag. Lands End bags are floppier, with inside pockets. the LLBean bags hold their shape and have no pockets. both bags are great, just different! I prefer the floppiness + pockets for these Outdoor Bags.)

The Car

I keep my car stocked. Here’s a post on what I keep in my car - it’s so handy for adventuring with two tiny humans. But some things I like to have on me at all times - enter The Outdoor
Adventure Bag.

The Outdoor Adventure Bag

Consider this bag what I grab anytime we’re heading outdoors. Playground, Fit4Mom class, state park, splash pad, zoo, watering holes, breweries from our Year of Beer joint Christmas gift, etc etc etc. So basically it’s my Summer Bag with Changing Stuff and Outdoor Things. I throw it in our wagon or stroller and go.

I may also throw in our waterproof phone pouches.

PS Here’s what I bring to the pool. And here’s our list of favorite adventure gear, like what we bring to a lake or river. Here’s 20 things we keep at home for when we don’t feel well (or when we’re hurt).

PPS If you have older kids, one of my favorite Instagram accounts posted a reel on her Water/Sand Adventure Bag and a post on her various Adventure Day bags. And it is all absolute brilliance. She inspires me every time she posts her family’s outdoor exploring.

PPSS We have a travel toddler potty that lives in the back of the car in a reusable canvas grocery tote. And that way we can use it while out and about, but also can throw it in the Outdoor Adventure Bag or stroller, if needed. Here’s a post on what I keep in my car.

Packed Pool Bag

If we’re going to a pool, I grab the Outdoor Adventure Bag. But I also grab the Packed Pool Bag. Yes, two bags. I have two small children and a ton of stuff, and I’d rather have two half-empty bags where the contents are easy to find. And because I don’t need the pool stuff if I’m going to the park. But I like to have the Outdoor Adventure stuff if I’m going to the pool. And that way the changing stuff can live in the Outdoor Adventure bag, since that bag goes everywhere with us, but don’t have to keep changing stuff int he Packed Pool bag, since I’ll never be carrying that bag alone. Am I making sense?

And let me reiterate: I always have our wagon or stroller with me, so I throw the bags in there.

So two bags works really well for us.

This bag stays pretty empty so that there’s plenty of room for towels, snacks, and cover-ups.

Here’s a full post on what I bring to the pool.

Curious what I wear? Here’s my post on my favorite swimsuits + summer essentials!

What I Pack

So when it’s time to load up, I grab whichever bag(s) I need and throw in keys, snacks, water. And towels, swimsuits, or cover-ups if needed, but sometimes knowing that I keep towels and spare swimsuits in the car works just fine. And on Sundays I have a note on my weekly to do list to double check that both my car and bags have replenished changing supplies and spare clothes.

Here’s a full post on what I bring to the pool.

Here’s everything I keep in my car.

Curious what I wear? Here’s my post on my favorite swimsuits + summer essentials!

Happy adventuring, y’all!


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