kk's favorite things: 18 months

i noticed a huge difference in KK between 18 and 24 months, so instead of doing one big post, I’m breaking it up by month. here are her ten favorite things at 18 months!

(see the full list of favorite things from birth until now here!)

  1. the phone on her diy-ish play kitchen

    • “Hewwo? Hewwo?” all day every day. never gets old. we’re so glad we added a phone - and a few other interactive features - to her diy-ish play kitchen. linked post has all the details!

  2. her hide and seek board

    • this is one of those toys that seems so simple, but remains a favorite as KK gets older and discovers new ways to engage with it

  3. kk’s walker/ride-on toy

    • just buy it. this was a first birthday gift that sat untouched for a while. until one day kk decided she loved it. and it’s been used every day since.

    • see our full list of favorite bigger toys here!

  4. sound books

  5. our christmas toys + activities + traditions

    • see more about our monthly play themes here!

  6. our Nuggets

    • yes, they’re expensive. but they’ve been so worth it for us.

    • we got two when KK was three months old, and they were the best things ever then, and they continue to be the best things ever now. I love that they serve us so well in new ways with each new season. KK is a climber and configuring the two Nuggets into different configurations has challenged our adventurous girl and has saved many evenings when I’m trying to get dinner on the table. eventually I’d love to get a third Nugget - they’re that good.

    • and also. if my house is going to have kid things in it, I try to get said kid things in colors that match my decor scheme whenever possible. and I appreciate that Nugget is like, “we got you, girl. here’s our rainbow of possibilities.”

    • see a tour of all the play spaces in our home here!

  7. her mirrored balls

    • we have this standard set and this sound-making set. KK loves them all. a dear friend once told me she added hers to bathtime, and it’s easily one of the most ingenious ideas I’ve ever heard.

  8. these silicone cups with suction cups - the absolute best

  9. treasure baskets

    • KK loves when a basket of an assortment of things to explore is in her toy rotation. when we have a holiday, I’ll just gather a few things in the holiday’s colors or holiday-related things (like, a few red and green things from around the house, some sleigh bells, and two soft ornaments for Christmas).

    • see more about our monthly play themes here!

  10. her ring stacker board

    • tbh we love anything from this shop! but her ring stacker board continues to be one of KK’s go-to favorites.

    • read more about our sensory tables - how we love to use them, how we introduced them to KK, etc - here!

Loved this post?

  • See the full list of favorite things from birth until now here!

  • Or see a tour of all the play spaces in our home here!

  • Or see my “toy rotation” or “play area” highlights on my Instagram!

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