how I create routines + simple tools I love

backstory: I used to be a teacher. and then I took my business full time, working for myself at home. by losing the school day, I completely lost all structure and my days were free to spend as I pleased. which I loved, but slowly but surely, without the accountability and limitations of “I have to be at school from this time to this time monday through friday,” I let go of every single one of the routines and habits that had once brought me so much peace, accomplishment, and contentment.

a year and a half into this, my productivity was at an all time low, and both my weight and anxiety were at at all time high. at this time my business had taken off to an amazing level I never dreamed possible, but my self doubt was absolutely crippling.

long story short, everything came to a head and I had an epic, ugly meltdown that lasted the duration of two flights, a layover, the car ride home, and the rest of the evening on the kitchen floor.

I needed to bring back my routines.

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