The Lazy Genius does “10 Things Saving My Life Right Now” kinds of content, and they’re my absolute favorite. So I wanted to try this as a new monthly series. YAY!
because I have a baby that eats all day, and a toddler that NEEDS Outdoor Time right before dinner, but our eating out budget is pretty darn small. enter the latest meal rotation, full of easy, restful dinner themes. bless.
because motherhood is rough on that upper body, y’all.
this snot sucker with hospital grade suction (supposedly)
never thought this device would be on a “things saving my bottom” list, but here we are. it’s pricey, but we’ve used (and loved) this thing all the dang time since bringing joey home. it’s officially one of my newborn must-haves. that and saline spray.
See “hallway closet” highlight for how I store/organize our medicine stash.
Or see this Instagram post for a quick peek.
books and movement
I’ve found that if i have a daily dose of reading and a daily dose of movement, I find so much contentment and joy in life. so we integrate these two things into our days as much as possible: trips to the library, an audible subscription, daily Outdoor Time, stroller walks, a Fit4Mom membership, plenty of trips to the pool, audiobooks in the car, audiobooks with airpods when we’re at the park, etc.
what can you prioritize in your daily, weekly, and monthly rhythms to bring you more joy and contentment?
I can’t tell you how many times I thank myself for keeping these and white tissue paper on hand. Meal Trains, birthday parties, Teacher Appreciation Week, just because surprises, baby showers, Christmas gifts, housewarming goodies - having brown paper bags and white tissue paper on hand saves my bottom time and time again.
See this post for more on my simplified gift wrap stash.
See this post for the four things I keep on hand for toddler/preschooler gifts.
a kid potty that stays in the car
motherhood is a wild ride.
a spare Instant Pot inner cooking pot
I often batch cook things for the week on Sundays, and often use my Instant Pot 1-3 times to do so. having a spare pot insert has been a game changer.
see my weekly menu plan for what I’m meal prepping this week.
basically I put these handy foam things on most of the doors in our home - the doors we want to stay open anyway. otherwise I’d spend my whole day saving dogs from being shut in rooms by KK.
this dispenser of dirty diaper bags + retractable sun shade
see my new post on the things I keep in my car (and that save my bottom) here
also - car seat gap fillers. don’t laugh - this has saved my phone from the abyss many, many times.
this weighted vest + slow neighborhood walks
I wear this weighted vest when I walk - doing so releases the overused trap muscle. When I don’t prioritize my weighted walks, I often tweak my trap muscle - causing gnarly back/neck pain. These weighted walks help prevent that.
This book taught me the wonderful benefits of weighted walks. In fact, this book is what I read during The Great Meltdown of 2017, inspiring me to start taking care of myself.
But this article is a great excerpt of the book and talks about the benefits of weighted walks.
Anyway, that’s my little speech about why I love my quiet, early morning walks in this weighted vest. I can’t tell I haven’t been prioritizing them lately, because my back/neck have been killing me from mom-ing/adulting. So these weighted walks just jumped to the top of My List of Priorities. :)
See y’all next month!
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