HWD Travels: 12 Trips in 12 Months

When it came time to choose a honeymoon location, Brett and I couldn't. 

I must've changed my answer at least a dozen times. 

So we decided, "Why choose one?"

With my teaching career coming to a close (along with the question of, “What if my business fails and I have to return to the classroom the following school year? What should we do to make this year count?”), and the thought of off-season travel now something to consider, we were like, "Why don't we go on several trips instead?"

But, several trips morphed into the idea of twelve. Because I may one day go back to the classroom, because one day we won't be carefree renters, because one day we will have kids - why not go on some of our bucket list trips now?

So, the Twelve Trips in Twelve Months idea was born. Let's see twelve new places in our first twelve months of marriage. Because we're celebrating this first year. 

Below, you'll find our twelve locations we're hoping to see by our first wedding anniversary. This blog was started to document our year - we hope it's one to remember.

1. Santa Fe, New Mexico June 21-26

2. Scottsdale and Sedona, Arizona August 22-28

3. Iceland September 13-16

4. Santorini, Greece October 3-9

5. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic November 11-15

6. Maui, Hawaii January 26-31

7. Barcelona, Spain February 21-26

8. Santa, Fe, New Mexico (can we go every year?) June 22-25

Other, later trips: Big Sur, New York several times, and Santa Fe (the yearly trip)

Edited to add: And then life happened, norovirus kicked our butt, Brett moved up at work, my business took off (which, as a new business, was honestly unexpected !), I had some business expenses, our older paid-for cars needed a whole slew of repairs (and ever loving TIRES), I exploded a microwave (it’s fine, everything’s fine), and we bought a house. (Which wait, we have to pay a fee to turn on propane? And HOA dues are how much? And home insurance, too? And we have to buy a water softener? And we need pest control? And save for property taxes? That kind of fun learning took a hot, hot minute.)

So we took a break. And we're okay with that. We agreed that we only wanted to take trips when we could actually afford it.

After a season of not so much travel, we’re excited to start saving for another trip again. We want to prioritize an annual trip to Santa Fe - as well as hopefully continue our tradition of going somewhere new for Brett’s birthday - and we played around with the idea of doing an yearly trip to a Texas beach. We’ll see! Regardless it’s fun to talk traditions, goals, and priorities.

In the mean time, we love our daily habit of evening walks. Time together, time outside, and time to talk about where we would go next.