bag o emergency toys

we have a bag of toys that I keep near both our Evacuation Bag and our Emergency Tub, which means it’s kept where we shelter for tornados. which means if I need to occupy/distract KK in either of these situations - sheltering or evacuating - I have easy access to some special toys. (even if evacuating just means going to a hotel for a few nights, having some special toys would be so handy.)

let’s also consider this bag my go-to thing to pull out if I don’t feel well or I really need an easy way for KK to be completely distracted for an hour or two. I pull out this bag.

that’s the main thing here - since this bag is rarely pulled out (thank goodness), the times it does get used KK thinks the contents are super new and exciting.

(I didn’t buy anything new for this bag - I just went through our toy collection and pulled out some toys that would from now on live in the Bag O Emergency Toys. toys that our toy rotation could do without, and toys that would seem super fun if brought out in an emergency situation.

I also like to add some toys/trinkets we receive as gifts throughout the year to this bag. Because while I may not want them in our playroom for whatever reason, I may find them perfect for the Bag o Emergency Toys!

Curious what else we keep on hand for emergencies? Read more about our Evacuation Bag and our Emergency Tub!

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