potty training

like with everything else, i’m just sharing what worked really well for us. and I am in no way saying how we approached potty training was the best way - but it was a way that worked beautifully for us.

i was in no hurry to potty train.

I didn’t want to read any books.

I wanted to do it my way, and I wanted to do it in a casual, almost-noncommittal way.

and around the time she was almost two and a half, she started to show interest in the potty.

but the thing is, I was due with Joey around that same time, and I knew I didn’t want potty training and Joey’s birth to overlap. I figured I’d wait until Joey was three months old to attempt any sort of potty training - I wanted to wait until my plate felt less full, and I wanted to wait until KK’s world feel a little more normal again.

so I did nothing - I kept her in diapers. and in hindsight, I’m so glad I did it that way.

fast forward to Joey being a few months old. (and KK being closer to 3.)

I put a toddler potty in KK’s bathroom (and eventually Brett added this toilet seat to the toilet), a travel potty in our car (and a second one in Brett’s truck), and a stack of pull-ups in KK’s bathroom. and when KK was awake, I’d have her wear a pull-up. and I’d ask every now and again, “KK, do you need to go potty?” and when she went in the potty, I’d give lots of praise. and when she went in her pull-up, I’d nonchalantly say, “okay, next time let’s go in our potty.”

rinse and repeat.

and that’s all we did. it was super casual. it wasn’t stressful at all. we continued about our normal daily rhythms.

and she started using the potty consistently all the time.

and eventually I transitioned it so that she wore panties at home, and a pull-up while out and about. and KK realized she liked the feel of panties better than a pull-up, so that motivated her.

and it was still super casual and not stressful at all.

and she’s now 3.5, she’s in panties all the time, and I can’t remember the last time she had an accident. (but I’ll still put a pull-up on her if we’re going somewhere I’m not sure of the bathroom situation.)

and she still wears pull-ups while she sleeps. but I don’t plan on approaching night training until she seems ready - and I’m in no hurry to do so. just like I approached potty training.

as always, whatever works best for you is amazing. this is just what worked really, really well for me.

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